Planning for Your Kybella Appointment

Do you have fat cells under your chin that you have been thinking about getting removed? Don’t look any further than Kybella. Kybella is a newly heard of treatment to many. This is in part due to the FDA recently approving it as an injectable treatment for the area under the chin, otherwise known as submental fullness. With the use of Kybella, patients are now able to remove the fat cells under the skin permanently, all with a quick and simple injection. This treatment can treat those who have the littlest bit of fat under their chin to those who have a severe amount, making this treatment open to all who want it. The process alone takes between 15 and 20 minutes, causing little to no interruption in your day. The process is quite similar for many; however, our experts at Beaute Therapies will make sure they sit down with you first and discuss your goals with Kybella. We will then tailor your injection process specifically to you and your needs, making sure you are satisfied with the results. If you think Kybella sounds like something you would want to do, then keep reading to learn how to prepare for your appointment.
How to Prepare for Your Kybella Appointment
Before you even book your Kybella appointment we offer you a free one on one consultation with our Kybella specialist. At this consultation, you will get the chance to ask any questions you may have and express any concerns that come to mind. We want to make sure that you do not leave the consultation appointment concerned about anything. Of course, if you forget to ask a question then we can always be reached by phone and would be more than happy to answer the question for you. At this point, we will also go over your medical history with you to make sure you are eligible to get the treatment done. People who are pregnant, are planning to become pregnant, or have infections in the area may need to follow different methods of preparation before treatment or may not be eligible at all. There is still a lot of research being done on Kybella and pregnancy so it is always best to go over this information with your doctor. We also have our specialist examine the area under your skin to make sure it can be treated. This will also tell us how to best tailor the treatment to your skin. Everyone’s skin is unique to them so we use this consultation as a way of taking note of your skin so we can best serve it on the day of the appointment.
Since Kybella is not an invasive treatment the preparation is not too extensive; however, we still recommend taking a few precautions before you come in. A few days before the treatment we recommend you avoid taking any ibuprofen and acetaminophens, this is not so much for health reasons but more so to avoid bruising in the area being treated. We also recommend washing your face before coming in to for treatment. This will allow your face to be fresh and ready to go while also decreasing the risk of infection.
If you have been considering getting the fat cells under the chin area removed then this is your sign to get the treatment done. Kybella is a quick and easy fix for those who have moderate to severe fat under their chin area. With an appointment that lasts 15 to 20 minutes, you do not have to worry about how you are going to fit it into your day. Now more than ever before has there been fewer reasons to not get the treatment done. Our specialists even allow you to get a free consultation beforehand to learn more about the treatment and how it can work for you. We make sure you know everything there is to know about Kybella before you come in and get the treatment done, making sure you feel comfortable and confident. Interested in booking your free Kybella consultation? Give us a call today at (561) 653-3399 or email us at We are looking forward to meeting you!