Venus Legacy Treatment: Process and Aftercare

The Venus Legacy cellulite treatment is a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment that uses radiofrequency to heat and tighten the skin. The treatment is administered by a medical professional and lasts about an hour.
The radiofrequency energy heats the deep layers of your skin, causing them to contract and tighten. This results in a reduction in the appearance of cellulite dimpling on your thighs and hips.
Venus Legacy treatment near me includes the following steps.
The first step in the process is to look for a consultation with your technician, asking questions like, “Where can I find a Venus Legacy treatment near me?” After you have been evaluated by an expert, for example, the team at Beaute Therapies Medical Spa, you will receive laser services recommendations based on your goals and needs.
During this appointment, your body contouring Boca Raton, FL technician will discuss what type of results you can expect from the procedure and how many treatments will be required for optimal results. To get the best body contouring treatments, the expert also discusses your medical history so that they can determine if this type of treatment is right for you.
Experts recommend that you take some time beforehand to prepare mentally and physically to get the most out of your experience. Thus, the best body contouring treatments come after you make all the mental and physical adjustments needed for Venus Legacy cellulite treatment.
The procedure takes about an hour, but you can expect your skin to look tighter immediately after your treatment. Your doctor will determine which area of your face needs treatment based on your condition and goals.
During the treatment, a thin probe will emit radio frequency energy into your skin through tiny needles inserted at strategic points around the treated area. After each needle is inserted, you will feel a warm sensation as the probe emits heat into your face while tightening its muscles and collagen fibers. This process lasts about five minutes per needlepoint, with some areas receiving more than one needlepoint each time they are treated.
After your Venus Legacy cellulite treatment, your expert will recommend a specific skincare routine. For instance, Beaute Therapies Medical Spa recommends using gentle cleansers on the skin and removing dirt, oil, and makeup without stripping the skin of essential moisture. Exfoliating products can help keep pores clean and open, allowing for better moisturizer absorption.
If you’re looking for body contouring in Boca Raton, FL, you need to find a spa that knows what they’re doing. The Venus Legacy treatment is one of the most advanced treatments on the market today, but it also requires knowledge and skill to execute correctly. If you want your results to come out right, go to someone who has done it before—and there’s no better place than Beaute Therapies Medical Spa.
Don’t hesitate to contact Beaute Therapies Medical Spa if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment with one of our highly trained staff members.